سنجش از دور


Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite
Google Earth Engine toturial 101 monitoring Volcano activity Remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #GLDAS #Volcano #Geosciences #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #GIS #earthobservation #satellite   https://youtu.be/2A9xr8RIZ_o?si=868SMQfui8hG9u17

Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite

#SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing
Google Earth Engine toturial 100 Before after Disaster by RGB remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite  #SAR #RGB #Disaster #satellite #earthobservation #GIS #Geosciences #googleearthengine #Remotesensing   https://youtu.be/Bzkckr1HOcg?si=oveH975IjlR93tIv

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite  #AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite   https://youtu.be/i7s3e7TkN7s?si=j8UySizUd7gmcd4e

Google Earth Engine toturial 99 Air Pollution Dust Aerosol remote sensing Geosciences SAR Satellite


#AirPollution #dust #Aerosol #googleearthengine #Geosciences #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth #satellite




Google Earth Engine toturial 98 tree ?? green park space growth in city remote sensing Geosciences SAR


#SAR #GLDAS #greenspace #parkspace #treegrowth #Earth #earthobservation #GIS #remotesensing #googleearthengine #Geosciences #satellite

Google Earth Engine toturial 98 tree ?? green park space growth in city remote sensing Geosciences SAR  #SAR #GLDAS #greenspace #parkspace #treegrowth #Earth #earthobservation #GIS #remotesensing #googleearthengine #Geosciences #satellite   https://youtu.be/Pp9BzTcmVko?si=tfrG-yyFN-LvE4cu


Google Earth Engine toturial 97 mining gold potential remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite java gis
#goldmining #goldminddetection #goldmine #nasa #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth

Google Earth Engine toturial 97 mining gold potential remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite java gis #goldmining #goldminddetection #goldmine #nasa #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth    https://youtu.be/tt06h-kDaRU?si=pXmBDeWa4zW8jmfH


Google Earth Engine toturial 96 Flood Risk for flooded area remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite
#floodmonitoring #floodrisk #floodedarea #Earth #earthobservation #GIS #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences #nasa

Google Earth Engine toturial 96 Flood Risk for flooded area remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite #floodmonitoring #floodrisk #floodedarea #Earth #earthobservation #GIS #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences #nasa    https://youtu.be/pcdHgv9hj_s?si=nSubZ0z1pc0efjzW

Google Earth Engine toturial 95 Built-up Building Height remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite java

#Built-upHeight #buildingHeight #buildingelevation #nasa #calculatearea #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth

Google Earth Engine toturial 95 Built-up Building Height remote sensing Geosciences SAR satellite java  #Built-upHeight #buildingHeight #buildingelevation #nasa #calculatearea #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #Earth   https://youtu.be/QCxTxdxCbPs?si=qB1Z1Tknug39hM66

Google Earth Engine toturial 94 Land Surface Temperature Yearly (°C) geoscience remote sensing SAR java


#LST #LSTYear #LandSurfaceTemperature #°C #Remotesensing #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences #calculatearea #nasa

Google Earth Engine toturial 94 Land Surface Temperature Yearly (°C) geoscience remote sensing SAR java  #LST #LSTYear #LandSurfaceTemperature #°C #Remotesensing #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences #calculatearea #nasa   https://youtu.be/1CSN24YOYM8?si=Fsc-cbRQivXQ1HqH


Google Earth Engine toturial93 calculate area of interest km² remote sensing Geosciences satellite ??

#areaofinterest #calculatearea #areaofregion #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #Remotesensing

Google Earth Engine toturial93 calculate  area of interest km² remote sensing Geosciences satellite ?? #areaofinterest #calculatearea #areaofregion #Geosciences #satellite #googleearthengine #GEE #remotesensing #Remotesensing  https://youtu.be/FEgQsBs6noI?si=9r04LtgmLa0A5-wP



Google Earth Engine toturial92 Water body lake area animation video science remote sensing Geosciences


#waterbodyanimation #wateranimation #watervideo #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences

Google Earth Engine toturial92 Water body lake area animation video science remote sensing Geosciences  #waterbodyanimation #wateranimation #watervideo #remotesensing #GEE #googleearthengine #satellite #Geosciences    https://youtu.be/OQBMKkXl_Pg?si=cOjJPdjqsUptePQo



Google Earth Engine toturial Lithology stone science remote sensing Earth observatio Geosciences

Google Earth Engine toturial Lithology stone science remote sensing Earth observatio Geosciences  #stone #stonescience #Lithology #climate #Geosciences #GIS #Remotesensing #satellite #GEE #googleearthengine  https://youtu.be/GTSwfOhhCMk?si=vcgIeYHUmBTxa1Au

#stone #stonescience #Lithology #climate #Geosciences #GIS #Remotesensing #satellite #GEE #googleearthengine


Hi world ??

Google Earth Engine toturial90 population remote sensing Earth observatio Geosciences machine Learning

#population #googleearthengine #GEE #nasa #satellite #Remotesensing #GIS #Geosciences #climate

Hi world ??  Google Earth Engine toturial90 population remote sensing Earth observatio Geosciences machine Learning #population #googleearthengine #GEE #nasa #satellite #Remotesensing #GIS #Geosciences #climate   https://youtu.be/RKonFZ_i4ME?si=YE4FPspWpCsusHIP


Google Earth Engine toturial89 Climate Class remote sensing Earth observa Geosciences machine Learning

#climateclass #Geosciences #Geospatial #Remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #machinelearning #Kmeans #satellite #nasa #GEE #googleearthengine

Google Earth Engine toturial89 Climate Class remote sensing Earth observa Geosciences machine Learning   #climateclass #Geosciences #Geospatial #Remotesensing #GIS #earthobservation #machinelearning #Kmeans #satellite #nasa #GEE #googleearthengine   https://youtu.be/BibFtyU6U-k?si=V0pXsjQbDOKxLOEh


Google Earth engine toturial 88 SAR Backscatter Crop monitoring Speckle Filter remote sensing Earth observation
#sar #SAR #backscatter #Crop #croptype #cropmonitoring #specklefilter #GEE #nasa #Qgis #satellite #earthobservation #Remotesensing #GIS #Remotesensing
Google Earth engine toturial 88 SAR Backscatter Crop monitoring Speckle Filter remote sensing Earth observation #cropmonitoring #sar #SAR #backscatter #Crop #croptype #cropmonitoring  #specklefilter #GEE #nasa #Qgis #satellite #earthobservation #Remotesensing #GIS #Remotesensing   https://youtu.be/64CM_dlewcE?si=3Sb2Q4F3v97nuu8P

Google Earth engine toturial 87 SAR Backscatter Crop Type Speckle Filter remote sensing Earth observation

#sar #SAR #backscatter #Crop #croptype #cropmonitoring #specklefilter #GEE #nasa #Qgis #satellite #earthobservation #Remotesensing #GIS #Remotesensing

Google Earth engine toturial 87 SAR Backscatter Crop Type Speckle Filter remote sensing Earth observation #sar #SAR #backscatter #Crop #croptype #cropmonitoring  #specklefilter #GEE #nasa #Qgis #satellite #earthobservation #Remotesensing #GIS #Remotesensing    https://youtu.be/FIYO6_U3IRA?si=cbVkKRa90v-KO0b3


Hi world ??
Google Earth Engine toturial87 Sea line Coastline Change (meter) remote sensing satellite imagery

#sealine #Coastline #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite #Earth #Qgis #nasa #GEE #lulc
Hi world  ??  Google Earth Engine toturial87 Sea line Coastline Change (meter) remote sensing satellite imagery  #sealine #Coastline #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite #Earth #Qgis #nasa #GEE #lulc   https://youtu.be/uA-D8AALV5I?si=1jMNLaNKODR36eH2

Google Earth Engine toturia86 Estimation Biomass Carbon (Mg/ha) remote sensing satellite imagery GIS


#biomass #carbonbiomass #biomasscarbon #GEE #nasa #Qgis #Earth #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing

Google Earth Engine toturia86 Estimation Biomass Carbon (Mg/ha) remote sensing satellite imagery GIS  #biomass #carbonbiomass #biomasscarbon #GEE #nasa #Qgis #Earth #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing   https://youtu.be/1a2JM4do7Nk?si=MMfzwM1kx432jEYP


Google Earth Engine toturia84 Estimation tree Canopy Height (m) remote sensing satellite imagery GIS

#canopyheight #Remotesensing #treeheight #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite #Earth #Qgis #nasa #GEE

Google Earth Engine toturia84 Estimation tree Canopy Height (m) remote sensing satellite imagery GIS  #canopyheight #Remotesensing #treeheight #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite #Earth #Qgis #nasa #GEE   https://youtu.be/9Ub4OnezUrk?si=1G6nDRWUxRiD422i

Google Earth Engine toturial83 estimating carbon stock (t/ha) remote sensing satellite imagery QGIS

#carbonstock #estimatecarbon #t/ha #Earth #satellite #organicsoil #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #lakearea
Google Earth Engine toturial83 estimating carbon stock (t/ha) remote sensing satellite imagery QGIS  #carbonstock #estimatecarbon #t/ha #Earth #satellite #organicsoil #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #lakearea   https://youtu.be/uR0tcPJzjFs?si=9c8-LFOJNZNuddmJ

Google Earth Engine toturial82 AGB (Above ground biomass) (t/ha) remote sensing satellite QGIS

#AGB #abovegroundbiomass #satellite #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #organicsoil #satellite #Earth

Google Earth Engine toturial82 AGB (Above ground biomass) (t/ha) remote sensing satellite QGIS #AGB  #abovegroundbiomass #satellite #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #organicsoil #satellite #Earth   https://youtu.be/4mV2s23tocE?si=tlKTgXuH_osZ-3gS


Google Earth Engine toturial81 global powerplants (mw/h) remote sensing satellite QGIS
#Powerplant #powerplantbygoogleearthengine #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #Remotesensing #GIS
Google Earth Engine toturial81 global  powerplants (mw/h) remote sensing satellite QGIS #Powerplant #powerplantbygoogleearthengine #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #Remotesensing #GIS   https://youtu.be/QyhIopZZt-8?si=3siTkQBCvdwiPwo0

Google Earth Engine toturial80 Elevation height area estimation (m) remote sensing satellite QGIS

#Elevation #height #elevationbygis #elevationbysatellite #seasurface #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite

Google Earth Engine toturial80 Elevation height area estimation (m) remote sensing satellite QGIS #Elevation  #height #elevationbygis #elevationbysatellite #seasurface #Remotesensing #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite   https://youtu.be/1R4K5ud8is8?si=Tme0mpKSXpxmdsl2


Google Earth Engine toturial79 ndwi and water body and lake area estimation mg/m³ by remote sensing


#LakeAreaCalculation #lakearea #waterbody #waterbodyestimation #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #seasurface #Qgis

Google Earth Engine toturial79 ndwi and water body and lake area estimation mg/m³  by remote sensing  #LakeAreaCalculation #lakearea #waterbody #waterbodyestimation #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #seasurface #Qgis    https://youtu.be/qWgYfMOMSDQ?si=cdmTHy8-KvL2AwLz


Google Earth Engine toturial79 ndwi and water body and lake area estimation mg/m³  by remote sensing


#LakeAreaCalculation #lakearea #waterbody #waterbodyestimation #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #seasurface #Qgis 


Google Earth Engine toturial79 ndwi and water body and lake area estimation mg/m³  by remote sensing  #LakeAreaCalculation #lakearea #waterbody #waterbodyestimation #satellite #earthobservation #googleearthengine #GIS #Remotesensing #seasurface #Qgis    https://youtu.be/qWgYfMOMSDQ?si=cdmTHy8-KvL2AwLz


Google Earth Engine toturial78 green pigment chlorophyll-a phytoplankton in sea surface layer mg/m³


#phytoplankton  #chlorophyll-a #green_pigment  #seasurface

#Earth #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite 

Google Earth Engine toturial78 green pigment chlorophyll-a phytoplankton in sea surface layer mg/m³  #phytoplankton  #chlorophyll-a #green_pigment  #seasurface #Earth #Remotesensing #GIS #googleearthengine #earthobservation #satellite   https://youtu.be/tzudVmWKubM?si=RTKdVY3-FkgK94Dq


Google Earth Engine toturial77 Classification Geomorphic Area(km²) ??Remotesensing satellite imagery


#Geomorphic #gis #nasa #Remotesensing #gee #Sentinel #Sentinel #soilpollution #soilerosion #Qgis #Earth 

